The Rules


Here are some basic rules, please respect them:

1. Respect the views of others. You can have a dissenting opinion and still be respectful. Before you hit submit, re-read your comments.

2. Never reply to comments with personal attacks. Discuss issues in a mature manner.

3. Refrain from using foul or vulgar language; it turns people off.

4. Apologize if you make a mistake or give erroneous information.

5. Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. This is not text messaging or IM’ing.

6. Do not correct others spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Probably a bit rude to do so.

7. Lurking: it is okay to lurk (read other posts without commenting). When a post inspires you to comment, then do so.

8. If referencing material from other sources or if taken from an online webpage, or sharepoint link, etc. then provide a link to it.

10. Think before you post any information that you do not want the world to see.

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